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Chronicle – Habemos Good Models for Our Children

By September 24, 2017July 26th, 2022News
In the society in which we live today increasingly obsessed by the need for a digital identity and the need to shout louder than others (some of these screams recorded in exalted comments), we want, we crave (even, if we do not have this awareness) by good models.
We want inspiring, positive voices! We want positive messages! We want these voices to have an impact on us! And we want to have an impact on others!
We want hope and perseverance! We want to believe that our actions have an impact on our future, on the future of our children!
In the society where we live so full of words without consistency, so full of words, but so poor in actions, if we pay attention, we can hear these voices of courage and perseverance!
Let me quickly remind us of one of those voices! Malala Yousafzai! In 2014, young Malala, 17, was honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize. Everyone knows the story of Malala. The attempted assassination of which se was a victim in 2012 has fostered a huge national and international support movement. Gordon Brown, the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, issued a UN petition on behalf of Malala with the slogan “I am Malala”, which required all children in the world to be enrolled in schools by the end of 2015.
Ambitious? Utopian? I say we have to start somewhere. We have to roll up our sleeves and get down to work, otherwise nothing will change. And twenty or thirty years from now, we will continue to talk about the same problems.
In April of 2013, Malala was cover of Time magazine, having been considered one of the hundred most influential people of the world. In July of the same year, Malala spoke at UN headquarters and called for universal access to education.
On October 10th, it was announced that Malala would be awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight against the repression of children and young people and the right of all children to access education.
Malala’s voice has echoed all over the world! Her message is simple and her strength is overwhelming! Malala does not ask a lot! Education is a right! Not a privilege! In the 21st century we should not be talking about the fact that access to education is not guarantee for all children.
The truth? Education is not yet a universal guarantee! So, we have to talk about it! We must act! Moreover, voices, like Malala’s, are inspiring.