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jp.ik distinguished in the 9th edition of the Green Project Awards

By January 24, 2017July 26th, 2022News

Last monday the Green Project Awards presented the 9th Awards Ceremony which was held for the first time in the city of Oporto. The auditorium of the Serralves Foundation was the chosen stage for this ceremony in a joint organization with the Oporto City Council and Lipor.

The award ceremony, conducted by Inês Lopes Gonçalves, was part of the conference program “The New Economy” whose thematic focus was on the Cities.
jp.ik applied for the Special Prize for International Business Cooperation promoted for the first time by the Green Projects Awards initiative. jp.ik submitted the project “No child without school, no school without connectivity” developed in partnership with Virtual Educa – a multilateral cooperation initiative under the wing of the Organization of American States (OAS) whose mission is to provide sustainable infrastructures with connectivity to communities located in remote areas, isolated and with fewer resources.

At the centre of the project is jp.ik’s Popup School concept, a fully integrated solution with a simple and rapid implementation process, which is capable to offer a sustainable school to the neediest communities. Inside it has everything needed to create an innovative learning environment: in addition to flexible furniture, it includes computers or tablets for students and teachers – with educational software – an interactive whiteboard and a router. Developed thinking of the most remote areas, the connectivity is a focal point in this project, contributing to break the isolation.

It was with this remarkable project that jp.ik applied for the Special Prize for International Business Cooperation and won it.
Congratulations, jp.ik team!