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jp.ik engages in the 6th edition of Universidade Júnior

By September 1, 2017July 26th, 2022News

Thus, on July 19th, jp.ik welcome this group of students at the Headquarters. The goal of the visit was to promote a close contact with a company that they have characterized as truly inspiring.
During this visit, the group had the opportunity to acknowledge and understand our Inspiring Knowledge Ecosystem, the essential foundation of all educational projects designed and implemented by jp.ik.
In order to do so, this young entourage counted on the contribution of the teams of Pedagogy, Industrial Engineering, Sales in the area of Education, Human Resources and Marketing and Education.
Therefore, the morning started with the visit to the assembly line. Then the group visited the Popup School. Here, the group had the opportunity to get in touch with the main differentiating characteristics of Popup School.

The group also had the opportunity to get to know a little about the work developed by the Pedagogy team and had the opportunity to know a little about the skills, challenges and experience of the Industrial Engineering team.
Finally, in the Auditorium, the group made a brief trip through the history of jp.ik, thus getting to know some of our success stories.At the end of the visit, the group was very enthusiastic about jp.ik – with our culture and our projects implemented all over the world.
One of the students, Dinis, 16 years old, from Lisbon, shared: “In my modest opinion, jp.ik outstands my expectations. I did not expect this company to have so much relevance in the national and international market. This company fascinated me even more, because it exports tablets and computers to so many countries, implementing amazing educational projects. It was an amazing experience! I really enjoyed it! I would like to come back and present our bunji project!”
On July 21st, jp.ik took part of the presentation session of the five projects designed by the students and was part of the jury panel. The jury was composed of the following members: José Luís Alvim, lecturer at Porto Business School and coordinator of the Junior University program, Mariana Mattos, Designer at MindShake, Jorge Beco da ToastMasters and Nuno Oliveira, Business Director at jp.ik.
From vocational guidance to sustainable ecological tourism; From the creation of a community organic garden to the development of an app that helps the user to manage the household pantry, through Bunji, an electronic device that combines a powerbank with a portable speaker – these were the projects presented.

The closure of this great initiative was marked by the communication of the winning group and by the awards ceremony.
The winner was the mentor group of the “Intelligent Pantry” Project, which allows, for instance, the user, through the handling of an app, to know which foodstuffs are close to its expiration date and suggests recipes with these products. This app can also be useful to hypermarkets, making it possible to determine the trends of their consumers.
Tsunami also joined this great initiative and offered five Aroa tablets to award the winning group.