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jp.ik showcases new solutions for students and teachers at the World’s Largest IT Education Fair

By January 31, 2019July 26th, 2022News

It was with the JP Classmate PC® devices, designed to inspire and prepare the next generations who have to prepare for jobs that do not even exist yet, that jp.ik performed at the world’s largest education technology fair.
The 35th edition of the Bett Show took place in London from January 23rd to 26th, under the motto “Creating a better future by transforming Education”, bringing together 850 leading companies, 103 exciting new edtech start ups.
For the second year running, jp.ik took JP, its global brand for education, which was born to bring opportunities for the youngest through the development of their skills.

During this edition of Bett, jp.ik introduced new devices, such as Slide T301 and Trigono V401 Plus, designed for students and teachers that aim to transform the learning experience, bringing students and education systems closer together.

Moreover, ikES 2.0 software, developed for students and teachers, was also launched at the fair. IkES 2.0 enables teachers to create more interactive learning environments and personalized learning experiences through smart solutions for classroom management and student academic successful performance.
In addition, thinking about students, ikES 2.0 includes applications fostering the development of skills, such as critical thinking, reasoning, communication, creativity. The bundle for students brings together a variety of applications ranging from scientific experiments to code learning and drawing. Thereby, ikES 2.0 fosters a learning experience based on the S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, arth, maths).

For this edition, jp.ik counted on the participation of Wiki Alphabet, a company. Founded in early 2017, Wiki Alphabet develops innovative technology solutions designed for education. It is a technology-based company focused on the study and development of software platforms for the use of technological devices in the context of Education.

Code for all, jp.ik’s partner, joined for this four-day event to launch its Edtech solution, Ubbu.
Ubbu is a platform that through animated videos, interactive games and exercises teaches Computer Science to children from first to sixth grade. “Children with access to our classes have substantially improved the results in Mathematics, logical thinking, computational and problem solving. In Portugal we already taugh programming to more than 60 thousand students and along with our partners – jp.ik and Microsoft – we will reach 1 million children worldwide in 2019 “, says João Magalhães, CEO of Code for All.

For Jorge Sá Couto, Chairman of jp.ik, “learning to program allows us to stimulate some of the 21st century skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Thinking in regions where Internet connectivity is rare or even non-existent, having Code for All and Ubbu in an offline format is an excellent opportunity, enhancing the teaching of programming to the youngsters. Together we want to reach as many children as possible”.

Finally, and in line with how partnerships are important, two of jp.ik’s new devices, Slide T301 and Trigono V401, stood out in the Microsoft booth tagged us “affordable touch devices” designed to run Windows 10S.

For the second time, JP, jp.ik’s global brand for education, was present at the world’s largest education technology fair with the ambition of continuing to grow in Europe, focusing on a range of solutions designed to address the needs of both students and teachers.