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Leap Learning Apps, Labs and Hotspots – Unique Solutions for Unique Learners

By March 5, 2020June 14th, 2023News

Leap Learning is a Norwegian ed-tech company that believes quality education is key to development and that technology can contribute to unique solutions to reach unique learners.

Education is a fundamental right of all children and youth. However, many countries face challenges with providing relevant quality education. They lack proper school facilities, modern teaching materials or qualified teachers, and many children are dropping out of school. Our mission is to give them tools to acquire necessary knowledge and skills to build themselves a promising future.

To meet some of these key educational challenges we have developed our own portfolio of innovative educational apps, methods and technologies enabling children, and everyone else, to learn how to learn, wherever and whoever they are in the world. Our main focus is to secure equal opportunities especially for children with challenging backgrounds.

Leap Learning´s 500 educational apps cover topics like basic literacy, numeracy, logic, sustainability, social responsibility, skills and entrepreneurship – as well as give insight to learn how to learn, think critically and be creative. Children learn in so many different ways, and our apps capture different approaches to learn each goal on their way to crack the code of reading, writing and numeracy.

The apps are available in 10 different languages, among others in English, Norwegian, Burmese, French, Portuguese, Swahili and Spanish, with further languages in the making. Our proprietary technological platform can easily be translated and adapted to various local contexts and languages fitting all age groups.

We strongly believe that combining technology and hands-on games is the best key to learning as both approaches really helps building the intellect and improve the foundational skills of children. That is why we have developed the Leap Learning Lab and our experience is that both boys and girls respond very positive to this approach to learning.

In the lab, we combine apps with tactile in an innovative classroom setting with dedicated learning stations. The method works without a trained teacher, and even those who have no access to proper schooling will be able to learn how to read and write by using the apps and games connected to the progressing stations. The Labs can of course also be used as an addition to regular schooling.

The Leap Learning Lab creates a safe, motivating and happy learning environment for the children. They are introduced to foundational skills such as learning how to learn through logics and concepts before they start with the dedicated literacy or numeracy apps. We are also about to launch our labs for science, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Our experience is that the Leap Learning Lab enables more confidence and trust in both technology and in the children themselves by giving them a free play environment to develop themselves and learn at their own level and at their own pace. It’s inspiring and ensures a sense of achievement for all children that motivates to further learning.

The Leap Learning Lab is a state of the art and cost-effective plug and play solution aiming to solve the educational challenges all over the world, also to work in crisis situations, refugee camps and less developed countries – especially since no WIFI and qualified teachers are required.

With aim to give many more the opportunity to learn through our apps, we have developed the Leap Learning Hotspot. This is a rugged Android tablet preloaded with our entire app collection. The tablet is installed in a metal box which is mounted on a building or similar, available to the local communities to use for free. The purpose of the hotspot is to contribute to meeting some of the educational challenges and to provide quality content where most needed.

From schools and communities that have access to a Leap Learning Lab, or a Hotspot, we get reports of improved learning outcome, improved student attendance as well as enthusiastic students, teachers and local communities. Parents have also gotten more involved in their children’s educational journey and that has a huge effect on the children’s results.

In addition to the Leap Learning apps being used in hundreds of schools, we have Leap Learning Labs in over 20 countries worldwide, in Asia, South America, Europe and Africa. We also have close to 100 Hotspots in 6 countries in Asia and Africa.

Our mission is to impact the global educational scene by promoting technology in education. And to reach our goal we work with governments, NGOs, schools and companies.

We believe that the Leap Learning Labs and Hotspots is a unique and scalable educational solution that can contribute to both social and economic development – and we invite you interested parties to partner with us to achieve this. Let’s make a difference together!



Marit Linnebo Olderheim is the founder and CEO of Leap Learning, and she is also the founder and chairwoman of the foundation Africa Startup. She holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.
Prior to founding Leap Learning, she worked on several projects in Africa. Among other things, she developed a study plan and curriculum for a new computer department at the University of Asmara, Eritrea, and in The Gambia she contributed to build a health center, was involved in microfinance, rural education and introduced the health statistics system DHIS2 together with the University of Oslo and Ministry of Health. She also started the entrepreneurial school and creative hub MyFarm in The Gambia under Africa Startup. She has held many entrepreneurship courses for hundreds of young people in Africa, and based on her experience she created the newspaper, videos and apps, “How to make money”, which is a practical guide to learn entrepreneurship at a grass-root level.